Friday, March 29, 2013

Why is the day of Jesus' death called Good Friday?

We're all familiar with acronym T.G.I.F., but there's only one Friday on the calendar that's earned the distinction of being called 'Good Friday'.

It was a bad Friday for Jesus, since He suffered unbearable pain and anguish on that day. But it was a good Friday for us, since all of our sins were atoned for by His suffering and death.

On Good Friday He hung suspended on the cross for 6 hours, including those dark afternoon hours. About 3:00 PM Jesus said in loud voice, "It is finished!" (John 19:30). Shortly thereafter "He bowed his head and gave up his spirit". He died.
"It is finished!" is the guarantee of the peace of mind that we can have in knowing that our sins are fully paid for and we are thus reconciled to God. "It is finished!" is His assurance to us that the way has been cleared for us to someday enter eternal life in heaven.

That's why this is a Good Friday for us and why we take great comfort in Jesus' words, "It is finished!"

Happy Good Friday :)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

REAL date!

Back in March 6, 2011, our first REAL DATE was at Sekai Shabu. Gue lupa sih makan apa, yang gue inget Arie makan chicken katsu. *standard banget dah* Hehehe.
Kelar makan siang itu, Arie masih ngerjain video buat ulang tahun Bung Ridolf, conductor paduan suara gue dengan edit sana-sini biar tambah kece videonya.

By the way, Arie ini satu-satunya lelaki yang mau gue mintain tolong untuk buatin video tanpa dibayar.

...... ternyata karna dia napppsir sih sama akooh.


Hih! Pacarku dulu oom-oom gitu pake kumis. Hahaha... 

Setelah menikah, kita masih nge-date. Ini penting! Karena dengan Arie kerja, waktu buat ngobrol tuh kadang cuma dikit. Berangkat kerja udah pagi banget, pulang udah malem. Kalo di Batam kemaren sih masih enak. Pulang kantor juga kita masih bisa pergi nonton atau makan diluar. Kalo di Jakarta sih mo nyari resto dimana coba jam 9 malem baru brangkat dari rumah. Hvft.

Jadi waktu buat berduaan itu biasanya Sabtu. Biasanya sih pergi makan ya. Karena nafsu makan gue juga mulai membaik setelah trisemester pertama, ngiter nyari tempat makan enak adalah pilihan kita tiap Sabtu. Buat kita berdua, ngobrol seru itu ya sembari makan enak. *gembul* ;)

Ada malesnya ngga ngedate keluar rumah? Ada! Kalo lagi males pergi, kita berdua sih palingan nonton tv series aja di kamar sambil pesen pizza. Yang penting berduaan.

Dating your spouse is priority!